Friday, August 17, 2007

My Morning...

I had a lovely it is in photojournalistic form...

5:30am - Spin Class

8:00am - whistling and singing in the car on the way to work

8:15am - GET COFFEE!!!!!! (it's organic, free trade coffee, I might add!)

8:20am - GET omlete today at omlete station...

8:25 - talk to my BBB, Jen on the phone

(no pic...sorry)

8:30am - Walk into my cubical

8:31am - Sit down and go over my "To Do" list

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AHHHH! This is SO FUN!

I love you bbb! I love your picture posts so much, I get to see your surroundings! I heart this one!! :) xoxoxo