Friday, March 28, 2008


Remember when you were little and there wasn't a care in the world? I do. Long summers of riding my bike, swinging on our tree swing, planting forget-me-nots on the side of the house, putting my bathing suit on because it started to rain and I wanted to run in it, getting a snow cone from the ice cream truck, and swimming at Keck pool right across the street. These are my fondest memories of my childhood. But now somehow life has gotten so complicated and so full of stress now that I've entered long awaited "adulthood". Isn't it funny how we always want to be somewhere else instead of where we are right NOW. When it's Monday, we wish it were Friday, when it's winter we wish it was summer, etc. But what about the power that lies in the "right NOW"? After all once we get to wherever it is that we wanted to get to we're already onto something else. My greatest treasure today is this minute. Right now. It's powerful. And it's my destiny. Right. now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think this journal would be perfect for record "the Now"
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