Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Anna Sui

Like Lay's potato chips, today I can't just have one...posts, that is. I am so full of inspiration today I'm bursting at the seams! And Anna Sui has me excited for the spring with her bright colors and funky approach to fashion. She has a sense of humor in her design and isn't afraid of patterns or design. She got her start with friends like supermodel Linda Evangelista wearing her clothing in Paris, causing all kinds of buzz as to who this new designer is that Evanelista is wearing. Sui is a rockstar designer, designing with rockstar appeal in mind. Her colors and patterns are cheery and fun just like her fragrances.

I like her purple mascara.


Anonymous said...

Funky Fressssshhhhhhhh... You are super Fancy Fabulous :D I likey lots!

Found the perfect t-shirt por tu:

Anonymous said...

Guess I didn't get that link right...
here it is