Monday, August 6, 2007


At the risk of sounding like a total nerd, I felt the need to share this awesome Netflix dvd that I watched the other day! It's called "TED: The World We Will Create". TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design. The TED conference that takes place each year in Monterey, Colorado and only those who are specially invited like the inventers of Google, Al Gore, etc are allowed to attend. It brings together the world's best thinkers! It costs $4400 a ticket to get in and some people have been attending for like 15 years! That could buy me a house!!! ha ha! But anyway...I HIGHLY recommend this dvd if you want to be intellectually stimulated! It's very interesting and it's inspiring to see people who care about the future of our world and are willing to use their resources, power and knowledge to actually make a positive change for future generations. It kind of made my brain hurt at times but it was so inspiring at the same time. It not only shows the power of the mind, but also of design and creativity. Oh, to be in that environment with the quality of thinkers and artists/designers that attend! Whoa! I'd love that!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So COOL! You find the coolest stuff- even in the DVD rhelm! ;) XO!