Sunday, April 17, 2011


Design is my passion. Whether it is interior design, graphic design, fashion/style, photography...etc. I think the thing that has been holding me back from living my passion is that I never really had a specific and clear goal. break out of this rut, I am dreaming up a 5 year goal and business plan. On his show the other day, one of my favorite style gurus and interior designers, Nate Berkus said that if you do what you love, the success {& money} will follow. I can't quit my day job yet but I think it's good to have a vision. After I watched that show I read this article and it confirmed everything I was thinking.

"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone, so get used to being uncomfortable. It won't kill you. Do you need a sign? Here it is:" -Bill Tikos


Mary Dunlap said...

So, I think your reading my mind. I'm right there with you. Fear and doing things out of our comfort zone is a big factor...we will conquer this : )

DENISE said...

Yes, Mary! We will. xoxo :)